Posts Tagged Facebook

Is Google Knowledge Graph A Semantic Search Privacy Albatross?

Google Knowledge Graph

With Knowledge Comes Power…

Because Google is distinguishing intent and context of each query there may come a time in the future when Google is able to understand us better than we understand ourselves. The value of knowledge graph results are high because it provides deeper context than flat information (text across multiple sites) and gives users an efficiency tool to find information that is considered highly accurate = knowledge.

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What is Facebook’s Open Graph?

Facebook Open Graph Bullets

In one sense, the Open Graph is an expanded, enhanced social graph. It’s coded into every action we take on Facebook and on the multitude of sites that have Facebook features integrated. Social graphs (or sociograms) have been around before the Open Graph. Essentially, they methodically organize the online relationships between individuals, objects, images, videos, preferences, etc., and the actions people take on each object.

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New FB Plugin Gives Privacy Controls On Other Websites

Facebook Shared Activity

With developers using Facebook’s Open Graph on websites and apps all over the web, users activities are becoming more social because the graph is automatically publishing a lot of activities on other websites and apps (like reading an article on huffpo) into the Facebook News feed or Timeline.

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Facebook Advertising Campaigns

facebook ad campaigns

Have you ever considered what impact an ad campaign on facebook could do for you? When it comes to targeting and eye balls facebook is a great place to be. The platform offers an incredible amount of tools and applications to collect data, connect, broadcast and

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Search Engine Marketing – SEM

ppc search engines

We create awareness and acquisition campaigns all over the internet (Google, Yahoo, Bing, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Shopping and other sites) for our clients.  Our services provide publisher and site selection, keyword selection and bid management for internet based advertisements.  Most of our campaigns are multichannel, multifaceted  and go beyond

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